How to Repurpose Content for Different Social Media

Repurposing content

Repurposing old content is actually a time saver. Aside from that, you can also give your content a second chance by using it to create something completely new and original. In a way, it’s a really fun way to add a creative flair to existing images and text that you already have at hand. Repurposing content is also easier than you think.

One of the many reasons we repurpose content is to make it perform better across social media platforms. Let’s explore this marketing strategy and look at a few ways to put it into practice.

Here are some ways you can repurpose content to use across a range of social media platforms:

1. Turn content into an appealing infographic

People like infographics – a lot. That’s not surprising, either, when you consider that 90 percent of information is transmitted to the brain visually.

Take a look at your content and think about which pieces could lend themselves to infographic design. Infographics are often used to show off compelling statistics or illustrate the steps in a process, but they can be more text-rich than that.

When you’re turning written content into an infographic, keep the following in mind:

  • Make it eye-catching – if it’s not nice to look at, you may as well just reshare your blog,
  • Images should be relevant – only visuals that make sense will help memory retention,
  • Keep it simple and focused – your infographic will be overwhelming if there’s too much information for users to take in.

Pro tip –get even more ROI from an infographic by cropping it multiple times and sharing these small snippets while linking to the big picture.

2. Use content to post relevant information to Quora

You know your niche well, and you’re probably very knowledgeable in a topic that’s widely discussed on Quora. You can track the different questions that are relevant to your business as well and answer them with links to your articles that help solve a specific question.

This hits two goals at once – you promote your brand on social media, leading people to your website and it’s also useful for acquiring new readers.

post relevant information to quora: Repurposing content

3. Make a webinar inspired by a piece of content

Two social media trends to expect in 2020: content will become more useful and video will remain the king.

Embrace both by getting online to record a webinar-based around the content you’ve already produced. Platforms like Facebook Live are great for webinars because they allow users to drop in and comment in real-time.

re-purposing content with webinar and video

For example-

Benefit Cosmetics hosts a weekly Facebook Live show called ‘Tipsy Tricks’ where the audience can weigh in with questions and comments.

Embrace the power of ephemeral content as well when making how-to-style tutorials. Got a piece of content describing how a new product works? Show your clients instead by taking them on a step-by-step journey on Snapchat or Instagram stories.

These platforms are ideal for DIY tutorials and webinars because they’re free to use and require no video expertise. Webinars on social media also tend to be, well, more social. Users can comment, share and like your content when they tune in.

4. Hit record and turn a blog into a podcast

Sometimes, people get tired of reading. Before their morning coffee or after a long day staring at a computer screen, your users may simply want to sit back and listen instead.

Podcasts then are an excellent way to repurpose content on social media. You’ve already got the script –you simply need to hit record.

And regardless to mention, the podcast is becoming popular in Bangladesh as well, so why not give it a try before there’s more competition?

Now you may ask, which kinds of content lend themselves best to podcasts? Topics should be interesting and targeted.

Don’t try to do it all when it comes to podcasts and avoid selling yourself too blatantly.

Podcasts are not meant to belong to commercials, after all. They should be informative and offer clear, immediate value to your listener.

Nearly all (94 per cent) podcast consumers use social media and 48 per cent follow brands, so –you guessed it right–your social accounts are the perfect place to promote the recordings.

5. Turn existing Powerpoints or other content into a LinkedIn Slideshare

LinkedIn SlideShares are an easy way to chuck your existing content onto a social media platform and make it look completely different.

Powerpoints lend themselves easily to LinkedIn SlideShares, but you can also turn other collections of blog posts and accompanying images into report-style presentations.

LinkedIn SlideShares receive 70 million visitors each month, many of whom find the site through organic search. Google indexes SlideShares, giving your presentations an SEO boost.

Here are some best practices for creating SlideShares on LinkedIn:

Use infographics if you have them – infographics receive five times more likes than standard presentations.

Less is more when it comes to copy – LinkedIn data suggests that the ideal slide contains fewer than 30 words.

Ensure your presentations are mobile-friend – SlideShare’s mobile app gets nine times more engagement than mobile web and desktop experiences.

Include plenty of relevant images – the most popular presentations have an average of 37 images or more.

6. Promote whitepaper content on social platforms

Whitepapers tend to be some of the most high-value content an organization will create, which is why it’s so important to do everything possible to earn downloads.

Often, however, marketers miss opportunities for downloads by not adequately promoting their content on social media.

Spread the word about your shiny, new whitepaper on social media by:

  • Interviewing a thought leader on the topic on Facebook Live, don’t forget to add a CTA ‘Download the whitepaper’ in the comments or caption,
  • Discussing your whitepaper in relevant LinkedIn Groups,
  • Tweeting and posting on your business Facebook,
  • Creating a LinkedIn SlideShare around the whitepaper content,
  • If you include topic influencers in the whitepaper, ask them to help you promote the piece on their social accounts as well,
  • Adding social share buttons to the whitepaper,
  • Conducting a webinar around a particular topic or theme.

While you can drive plenty of leads from your website, your whitepaper will only realize its true potential if you promote it on social channels as well.


7. Update old posts

Have a high-performing piece of content in your archives you wish you could just create again? Well, you can.

Chances are if a topic was compelling and engaging a few years ago, it still is today. You may simply need to go in, update some facts, beef it up with new statistics and publish again.

You might have noticed such content more or less.

8. Create social media snippets

If you’re tired of sharing the same old URLs on your social accounts, create rich social snippets instead by complementing your post with images, video or summative text.

social snippet on facebook

Social snippets are a more appealing and effective way to share content on social media. Begin by selecting the link and piece of content you want to share. Then, decide what the strongest message is and decide how you want to portray it.  Images are often best, but you can also use a compelling quote or statistic from the piece.

social snippet on linkedin

Snippets not only look better but also lead to more engagement and higher click-through-rate than standard posts.

9. Use informative articles to create a YouTube video

Once again, you can turn to your blog for content ideas to create videos. A lot is to be said about the popularity of video as a format. It’s a format that you can use for absolutely all of your social media pages by integrating it into them individually.

 create a YouTube video: Repurposing content

For instance, if you create video content, you can write a whole other blog post about it, share it on Instagram with a link to the video on YouTube, post it on Facebook and other platforms right away.