5 Online Marketing Certification you can get for free during Quarantine

5 Online Marketing Certification You can Get During the Lockdown

The world is standing still and we are becoming depressed by seeing this public enemy that all country is facing irrespective of their position and race. This coronavirus pandemic is forcing us to stay at home.

While many fortunate ones are able to do Netflix and chill, other underprivileged people are suffering and we are all trying to help them overcome the bad phases.

What will you do when the economy goes down?

But, is this all you can do? What are you going to do when the great depression of the broken economy will fall down hard on you? Are you preparing yourself for that?

On the other hand, this quarantine period is giving us ample time to do self-reflection and one of the positive things is, we literally cut down our commute time and regular work hours in most of the cases. It’s a great opportunity to learn new skills since you have free time that you may not have when offices or studies will start again.

The upside of learning a digital skill is, even if you’re jobless in the future. You can still use this skill to earn something from home and make it your second or primary income. That is why, today, we are going to tell you 5 Online Marketing Certification you can take after learning some skills that are market competitive and absolutely free.

Google Skillshop

Google Skillshop is your one-stop learning and certification option for Google Ad & Marketing tools.

Google Skillshop Courses - Online Marketing Certification from

If you’re a first-timer, Google Analytics and Ads courses that can lead to certifications would be a great starting point. Where you can also learn about Google My Business app that will help you to manage your local business on Google Search. Google Ads is a high paying skill for online marketers in many freelancing and agency platforms.


SEMRush Courses

SEMRush offers both free and paid certification courses that can help you to get fundamentals to pro skills about Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a valuable skill that many businesses are paying handsomely for. As an all-around SEO tool, SEMRush also highly respected among digital marketing communities and it’s also one of our go-to-tool for managing SEO on a daily basis. You can access SEMRush courses from here.

Alison Online Certifications

Alison is one of the oldest massive online open course platform and it offers many certification courses on different topics, specially on digital marketing. It also offers Online Diploma Courses for free, but you’ll need to pay generous for a certificate for that.

Hubspot Academy

Hubspot Academy is one of the highly rated online marketing courses and certification platforms. While Hubspot is a premier Sales & Marketing CRM, they are also a leader in marketing content creation. We also use Hubspot as our sales and marketing CRM and we take inspiration from their blogs and videos too. We also completed most of the Hubspot courses and got the certifications not just to showcase, but also helps our clients with the set of tools they have. Most of their certification also comes for free.

A total of 121 G2 Crowd users give HubSpot Academy 4.5/5 stars, and Indeed users also rated it 4.5/5 stars.

Online Marketing Certification from  Hubspot

Hubspot offers Inbound, Content Marketing & Contextual Marketing courses that you can officially add it to your Upwork profiles. Apart from that, they also offer a range of course suitable for digital marketers.

LinkedIn Learning

Formerly, Lynda, LinkedIn Learning offers the best-made courses on online marketing from the leaders and skilled agency professionals. While LinkedIn Learning is not free. It will take you 35 USD (with Vat) to get the subscription for the full course catalog. You can still access some of the free courses given by them and for the first month, you can also learn for free if you have a LinkedIn Account. For getting some certification in one month, you can use this opportunity to learn new skills.

Online Marketing Certification from LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn learning also offers official PDU for many of their course. That means you can use theses credit to continue your education and formal certification from many professional institutes in the world including the Project Management Institute (PMI).

BONUS: Facebook Blueprint

Well, you can’t get free certification from Facebook Blueprint. But, you can definitely learn for free from Facebook’s authorized learning platform for running a business on Facebook, Instagram and it’s family of apps. You can also get some digital certificates once each course is over. But, to be a really certified media planner or buyer you need to pay for it and give exams online or their designated exam centers.

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