Getting your product used by a famous figure can help to raise your brand profile and boost your bottom line in Bangladesh.
Celebrities can make you get all the attention that your brand needs, and by getting them to endorse your product, you are leveraging not just their power, but also the power of word of mouth.
Celebrity marketing helps to build trust between consumers and your brand.
If a big name your prospective customers know, love, and trust is using and promoting your products, the potential customers then start to trust you more.
No wonder it makes you gain significant credibility here in Bangladesh.
The good news is celebrities are willing to endorse. Not that you have to be a big name to get endorsed by a celebrity.

nonetheless, let’s get to the point.
In this article, let’s take a look at the steps you need to take to initiate a celebrity marketing campaign.
1. Research Your Target Audience
How do you decide which celebrity is the right fit for you?
First of all, you need to ask who is following the celebrity on social media.
Are their followers also your target demographic?

If you have got a product aimed at screaming teenage girls who love Harry Styles, you will want to find a celebrity with that following.
It is the same if you have got a vegetarian product – you will need to be on the lookout for someone who loves animals, and whose followers are largely animal lovers.
Once you have decided on a list of potential celebrities, you should then pop over to each one’s social media profiles and see what kind of people are engaging with them.
Engagement on social media is super important.
2. Think about a Benefit for the Celebrity
Nothing gets people interested in a physical product – such as makeup or hair extensions, than being able to try it and get a feel for it.
If you give a celebrity something for free and they like it, they tell their millions of followers who then purchase the product from you!
Celebrities are not just going to do this for you out of the kindness of their heart.

They will be asking, “What’s in it for me?”
Offer them the product for free, tell them all about the advantages of the product, as well as what your brand represents.
Talk about your values, but make sure that your values reflect theirs.
For example, if you have got a new vegan chocolate bar and your celebrity is a vegan who cares passionately for animals, you can tell them that your product may convert more of their fans to veganism.
3. Analyze their Engagement, Reach & Brand Traction for Socials
Now, you can easily pick your known celebrity, that’s not tough at all. You’re sure that, he/she is going to provide you great reach, audience interaction, and loyalty. But, their total number of followers doesn’t mean much if they do not have engagement on their updates. So, to calculate this, you need to find out,
- ERR = Engagement Rate by Reach
- ERday = Daily Engagement Rate
- ERPost = Engagement Rate by Posts
and then you can also calculate, engagement rate by views, factored engagement, and per follower engagement, etc.
We did ERR calculation for one of our campaigns based on some of the celebrities in Bangladesh for a campaign and here’s is the deck for you to see who’s outperforming who.

4. Find the Contact
We are super blessed to be living in 2020. It is easier than ever to find your celebrity.
Once you have identified their profile but don’t yet have a name, you simply need to pop onto Google.
You can start by searching specific keywords on Google related to your niche.
If you have got a beauty product, you could type in “beauty celebrities.”
It really shouldn’t take too long to find a few contacts with just keywords alone.
You do not need to stick to just Google, in any case.
If you are more on the lookout for smaller influencers than out-and-out celebrities, you can try LinkedIn or Instagram.
Again, be specific with your keywords and do some rummaging around.
5. Reach out to the Celebrity
Once you have got a list of a few celebrities, it is time to reach out to them.
Again, we are so blessed to be living and working in 2020, a time when it is super easy to reach out to celebrities and influencers.
They might not always reply, but they are no longer hidden away.
It is a good idea that you take control here, especially if you are the CEO of your company, and contact your desired celebrity directly.
You can direct message them on social media or email them.
It is nowhere near as hard to find a celebrity’s email these days.
In fact, many of them list theirs on their social media profiles.
Whatever your method of contact is, your message should be personalized, simple, and transparent.
You are looking to build a relationship, but there’s also something you need from them.
Your outreach email must be:
- Personalized to the celebrity
- Transparent
- Friendly
- Self-deprecating
- Clear
It is not merely a case of having celebrity endorsements for your brand.
It is all about picking the right one.
Pick the wrong one, and they will be preaching in the desert.
Pick the right one? Your brand could take off.
Do your research.
Discover what kind of fans are engaging with a celebrity.
Make sure these fans share your values and message.
Then, personalize your message to the celebrities, make sure you are light-hearted, friendly, clear, and always follow-up.
6. Draft an Agreement
It’s absolutely vital to come up with an agreement with the influencer or celebrity you’re working with to preserved the interest of both parties. This will help you to run the campaign in a systematic manner and you will be able to ensure that you’re paying right for the deliverables.
7. Run the Campaign
So, now it’s time to run the campaign, hustle, making scripts, arranging production, distributing content and measuring results. But, we will talk about these another day.
Looking for an influencer campaign promotion for your brand in Bangladesh? We can help with the celebrity marketing campaign in Bangladesh to promote your product and brand. Contact us today.